Please Read the instructions below. There is a form at the bottom of the page that you can use to request access!
You must be a member of 9Round Mountain View in good standing.
You must have a minimum of 5 workouts completed at the studio with a Primary Trainer Present (Sumit, Johanna, Brant) and feel comfortable with the workout. We will make exceptions in some cases where the member has experience already.
9Round Mountain View reserves the right to limit or eliminate anyone's access to the club at its discretion. Our goal is to provide a safe, enjoyable, predictable experience for all of our members. Violation of our policies may result in loss of access.
EDIQUITTE and Access Rules As a reminder, here are our studio etiquette guidelines:
All members must use their own key fob or mobile pass to enter the studio. To allow us to keep accurate attendance, please do not hold the door open for others or let others in.
Only members are permitted to work out in the studio. Bringing someone who is not a member to work out is a violation of our policy.
Please limit your time on each station to three minutes if others are waiting.
Use studio equipment at your own risk. You should not use the equipment in any way other than as demonstrated on the Daily Workout Screens at each station.
Please wipe any sweat off equipment after use and return equipment to its proper place (i.e., dumbbells placed on the rack, jump ropes hung up on the hooks, etc.).
Please do not drop or slam weights on the ground.
Appropriate gym attire is required. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times. No bare feet, socks only, dress shoes, boots, or sandals are allowed.
To ensure a comfortable atmosphere for everyone, please be courteous and respectful of others while working out. We have a zero-tolerance harassment policy.
No food or drinks, other than a bottle of water, are allowed inside the studio.
No person-to-person contact is not allowed at any time, including sparring or holding striking targets for another member.
No activities outside the execution of the normal 9Round Workout, performed in its normal intended fashion is permitted.
During self-guided hours, there may not be a staff member present. With that in mind, safety is our number one priority, so we’ve made the following studio improvements:
Security cameras have been installed covering the entire studio, parking lot and side yard that record 24/7
Automated security lighting as been installed that will illumiate to 80% at dusk and fully illumuniate upon detecting nearby motion.
Emergency Contact Information is posted next to the entry door. You are required to have a cell phone with you so that you can contact emergency services if needed.
Detailed CPR instructions displayed to the right of the entry door.
Fully stocked first aid kit is in the cabinet below the main computer.
We have an Automated Emergency Defibulator (AED) located at Round 9.
Member-only key fob/mobile app access to the studio. Do not let anyone into the studio for any reason. Anyone who belongs there will have access.
Do not unlock, use, open or prop open the side door for any reason during extended hours. A Trainer may open this door on occasion during Trainer-Led Hours.
We have been fortunate to have had no incidents since we opened in 2018. None the less, be aware of your surroundings. Look through the windows into the parking area and entrance before leaving the studio. Turning down the interior lights may improve your ability to see out the windows. Call for help if you see someone who appears to not belong or if you feel threatened.
EQUIPMENT There’s a lot going on here! While everything has been designed for continuous stable usage in a remote mode, that doesn’t mean a random Microsoft update can’t bring it to its knees!
Entry and Exit Systems There is a reader to the left of the main door that you will use to gain entry. Just hold your phone up to it, and after about 5 seconds there will be a tone and the indicator light will turn from grey to green if access is granted. To exit, just approach the door - There is a motion sensor that will release the door or you could hit the illuminated exit button to the right of the door. There is a red LED light above the door that indicates the lock status.
Workout Monitors at each Round: If one is not projecting the workout, there is a remote on the tray under the computer monitor. Use the power button to turn off. Wait one minute and then turn it back on. It should come back up within 3 or 4 minutes. Timing is +- 10 seconds with any given monitor. Restarting a given monitor will not update its timing (It's a system level reset).
Lights/Ceiling Fans The switches for the main workout area are on the wall to the right of the computer monitor. There is a light switch next to the refrigerator and one to the right of the main entrance for additional lighting in the lobby area if you need it.
Voice System and Music These are pre-set. If there is a problem with the volume or if the voice system is not working properly, please text Brant at the number below. I can remote into the computer and triage as needed.
Temperature Control The temperature has been pre-set to a cool 70 degrees. Due to the oversized air conditioner and positioning of the sensor we have found that the actual temperature in the club averages 68 degrees. Please access Fan controls next to the computer to adjust comfort. If the temperature is malfuctioning, text a picture to Brant at the number below for the code. Please do not prop any door open for any reason. Propping door open will trip alarm.
Doors Please use the main entry door only. The side door is not to be accessed, opened or propped for any reason other than in the case of an emergency.
Pulse Heart Rate Monitor System Our Pulse HRM can be touchy. If it is malfunctioning, please let us know.
TEXT Brant at: (510) 566-0274 “This is (Name), and I am at the Club… (Message)” Please do not call. I will do my best to get back to you as soon as practicable. This is far more efficient and easier to manage than phone calls and phone messages.